our services

Accent Modification

“Accent modification, accent reduction, second accent addition” — different ways of thinking about the process of changing your sound. The hard work of becoming bilingual can hit a speed-bump on accent. Our structured and customized plans will allow you to work very efficiently on a standard Canadian accent.

Complete basic swallowing exam

A complete basic exam including a detailed discussion of the problem, testing of the nerves and muscles that control eating/drinking, and testing the swallow directly using a variety of fluid consistencies and food textures.

A full report includes safer swallowing strategies, food and drink texture recommendations, and a plan for any needed swallowing exercises or followup.

More advanced mobile endoscopic swallow exams are also available (see below).

Mobile endoscopic swallow exam

Also known as FEES (flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing), this is a more advanced hospital-level swallowing test that provides a higher degree of certainty about swallowing function, larynx (voicebox) function, and any risk of aspiration (food or drink going the wrong way). This service is mobile, meaning that it will be provided in your own location instead of in a clinic or hospital.

A full report includes images from the test, safer swallowing strategies, food and drink texture recommendations, and a plan for any needed swallowing exercises or followup.

Post-Laryngectomy Care

Learning to manage a stoma, voice prosthesis, laryngectomy tube, electrolarynx and all the other equipment associated with a total laryngectomy surgery can be overwhelming. We have worked for years with people who have undergone laryngectomy surgeries, helping them before surgery, while they are in hospital and afterwards as outpatients. We are now offering home-based assistance in maintenance, cleaning, training, and practice with voicing whether that be via voice prosthesis or electrolarynx.

Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash

Communication therapy

Regaining confidence is a key to better communication after it has been affected by an illness or injury like a stroke. We design therapy sessions with your interests and communication style at the center, working to expand your ability and confidence step by step.

You have access to one-to-one assessment and therapy for a variety of communication problems including aphasia, slurred speech and apraxia. Our services are mobile — we come to you.

Why Carter Speech Pathology?

Because one-to-one in-person service is the best way to see progress. Many aspects of communication, swallowing mechanics, and post-laryngectomy life seem very technical, but with an experienced commitment to one-to-one help, progress can be made.

This is the meaning behind our logo, the sunset/gear image, reminiscent of the familiar ‘settings’ icon — it reflects not only our shared place on the Pacific Rim, but also the aspects of communication and swallowing that can be changed internally with some thoughtful work. The designer of the logo is local graphic artist Francis Cheung.

Advanced FEES course:
SA Swallowing Services (Dr. J. Ashford)

Registered SLP

ILP certified

12+ years experience

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