Carter Speech Pathology

Overview of Services

Swallowing exams

Swallow testing brought to where you are. Basic and more advanced endoscopic exams available. Click below to learn more.

Accent modification coaching

Hourly coaching or a structured 13-week course with the expectation that you will see significant progress. Click below to learn more.

Post-laryngectomy care

Help with managing after a laryngectomy surgery. Click below to learn more.

Communication therapy

Therapy for speech and language altered by strokes and other illnesses or injuries. One-on-one therapy tailored to your interests and your own way of working.

Motivated for reconnection:

In our work, we aim to connect people to their expressive power via accent modification coaching and post-laryngectomy care. To be expressive and persuasive across social and business settings requires clarity and flow – both of these are responsive to practice and structured coaching. Expect to see significant improvement over a defined block of accent coaching, and growth in independence with laryngectomy care.

Second, we aim to reconnect people to the pleasure of eating and drinking. In the hospital system we saw that many people with swallowing problems wanted to return to more normal food and drink after safety-related downgrades, but had no way of knowing whether this was safe. With mobile endoscopic swallowing assessment, we can provide reliable information for decision-making, meaning confidence instead of guesswork.


If you’d like to find out whether our services might be right for you,
we’d be happy to hear from you.

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